Thursday, July 24, 2008

Well I was supposed to get confirmation that my Japanese Dragon moray landed in the states either on the 21st or the 22nd.  I know for the third time have been given a later date for the eel's arrival, the 30th of July.  So looking at some livestock available I came across a fish I always have wanted and may go with this one rather than the ell.  The new fish Is a Wrought Iron Butterfly.  A rare butterfly fish from Japan that is one of the hardiest of all the butterflys.  It also has one of the most unique color patterns, (at least that's what I think).  Here are a few pics of these Japanese beauties.  I'm going to sleep on it and hopefully decide tomorrow.  Is anyone reading this???????????   Is anyone out there??????  Am i talking to myself??????  They say people who talk to themselves are a bit crazy!!!   If you are reading this I am still a bit crazy.  Regards, Tim

1 comment:

ccampbell57 said...

TIM!!! Email me at I have your Dragom moray as we speak!!!