Saturday, November 29, 2008

My thread on Reefcentral

Today I found out that a thread I created on Reefcentral (RC) has been nominated for thread of the month.  As insignificant as it may sound, it made me really happy.  The thread is about being able to ID a fish by a picture of the fish.  What makes me really proud is that it the thread helps to educate people on what to look for when IDing a fish.  Here is the link to the thread.  If you are keeping marine fish and reefs I think it is almost mandatory to read and ask questions.  Many of the people who post are some of the most experienced and knowledgeable aquarists in the world.  Cheers have a great weekend.  T

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Turkey Day. More important lets look at rare fish..

I visit many fish forums and Reefcentral is by far my favorite.  I log into that site many times a day.  Yes I am a loser, well a fish freak.  You are a fish freak if you are reading this now.  If you are, please leave comments and suggestions. has provided me with so much information through the years.  Thankfully I have been able to help others with questions that all future aquarists have.  The great thing about fish is that there is endless things to learn.  I learn new things all the time by interacting and reading posts from some of the best aquarists in the country on Reefcentral.  It's like attending a reef fish class at Harvard for free.   So thanks to Reefcentral and the great people who make up that community.  

So I always have a big problem with the "rare" fish definition.   Currently on RC there is thread about 200 new Clarion Angels being available to fish market worldwide.    Prior to this stock there was one other group of Clarions available legally for sale in the world in the past 7-10 years.   Won't go into the reasons for he lack of availability, but will stress that is no because they are "rare" in numbers.  You will always have a person on these forums that say these fish should be left on the reefs because they are "rare".  When in reality they are not "rare" in quantity but rather "rare" to the trade.   Many of the "rare" fish come from deep water, isolated locations, protected waters, etc.  I would much rather see these so called "rare" fish be called "very desireable", or possibly "difficult to obtain"  Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but most so called "rare" fish are just difficult to obtain.  I haven't heard anyone call a Bangai Cardinal "rare".  Now that fish would really fit the definition of rare.   Below are pics of the Clarion Angel.  If you do have the coin for a Clarion, $2000.00  and up be aware they are one of the most hardy angels.  Also, when Clarions reach adulthood they are one of the most territorial and aggressive fish you can keep.  Realize I said fish and not Angel.  Be sure to have a display of at least 220 for an adult Clarion to be able to tolerate other fish in it's territory.  One fish that I have never had the pleasure to keep, but have kept a close cousin the Passer.  A stunning fish.  My big angel dream is still the Conspiculatus, pic below.  Have a great weekend.  T

Pics later...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bringing Fish Heads Together!!

So after some tough times with a change of jobs,  I have began to feel like things are beginning to settle down.  Though times are very uncertain as we all know.  Since beginning my new job, 2 people have been laid off from a staff of 7.  Thankfully I was not one of them.  My girlfriends firm laid off half their staff.  Thankfully she was not one of them.  I am sure these stories are very common if not the norm no matter where you reside.  Since there is such a bleak outlook with our countries future, why not look at and discuss some of the most beautiful creatures on this earth.  Yes you know, reef fish.  I am going to make a concerted effort to post everyday, and hope others will as well.  So please post questions so we can all learn from each other.  There are no stupid questions, just learning experiences.  My biggest stress reliever is learning about new fish or learning something new about a fish I thought  knew everything about.  I am quickly learning that you never know everything.   So enjoy these pictures of some amazing fish that I am sure you won't see at your local fish store (LFS).  Many of he pics I have in my library came from Japanese blogs and websites.  The Japanese are amazing with the skill, knowledge, and respect they have for marine life.   Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Fish ID's

Pic 1 Gym.  nudivomer
Yellowmouth Moray

Pic 2  
Parapterois heterura

Pic 3
Chaet.  chrysocephalus
Blue Maze Angel

Pic 4
Sacura margaritacea