Sorry about reminding you all about the crap our country has gotten us into. I spoke earlier about having a display with only fish that get no larger than 4-5". This equals many more fish but more importantly more opportunities to learn about fish behavior and interaction. So as always, I was on RC and saw a thread from a local Long Islander and the start of his new display. His screen name is KIGS and his display is exactly what I had in my head. An added bonus that I had not thought of was the introduction of all the small inverts you can add because of having no predatory fish in the display. He sparked my interest even further by adding a really deep sand bed and adding garden eels. If you are not familiar with garden eels then you are missing out. They are amazing fish to watch. They need a sand bed of around 6"-10" for them to dig their tunnels. So I plan on selling my 180 FOWLR with the fish and plan on getting a display of around 75 gallons or so. I want to concentrate on getting pairs, trios, and possibly harems of fish. Here is the link to see KIGS display. I love it. I also really love the rimless display, but have my reservations because of fish jumping and I will most definately have wrasses, firefish, etc which are nortorious for carpet surfing. Hope everyone is doing well. Regards, Tim
Here is the link.
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